5:33 PM
1. What are you worth? According to the U.S. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils the raw materials in the human body are worth about one US dollar (which is worth less today than it was at the time this calculation was made in 2004). Our most valuable asset is our skin. Cut and dried, the average person is the proud owner of fourteen to eighteen square feet of skin. Basing the skin's value on the selling price of cowhide, which is approximately $.25 per square foot, the value of an average person's skin is about $3.50. This little calculation gives a startling clarity to the reality that in most of the world "life is cheap." However, Heaven's perspective is quite different. The Psalmist marveled at God's estimation of man. This lesson study answers the question: What are you worth? (File size: 180k).
The Bible is consistent in its affirmation of the fact that all men save one have sinned. That being the case we are presented with the reality that we are imperfect. What shall we do with this fact? Some use it to excuse their sins. Others use it to justify their giving up in the fight against sin. However, the Bible suggests that this fact ought not to discourage us in our spiritual race. Rather there are some very helpful and useful outcomes that should be evident from the fact of our human imperfection (File size: 176k).
3. In God we trust This download is a detailed sermon outline on religion in American society. It contains a history of how "In God We Trust" came to be engraved on our currency and became our national motto. Did you know that for over 300 years the Bible was used as a textbook in public schools in America? How did we reach the point where God has been banned in America? (File size: 223k)
4. Laziness A sermon that examines what it means to be lazy, and the consequences of such behavior (File size: 52k).
5. You have not pass this way before A sermon for the New Year based on Joshua 3:1-4, where the children of Israel crossed the River Jordan and marched into new territory, with the Ark of the Covenant leading the way. As we journey into a new year, let us keep God's Word in sight! (File size: 120k).